For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. ~ Ephesians 2:8
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Copyright © 2017 Our Daily Blossom
Dear Hannah,
I am wondering if you would consent to the use of your beautiful Ephesians 2 verse and photo of an iris for the cover of this Sunday’s church worship service bulletin. It is actually two small United Methodist churches in rural Virginia in an area called the Northern Neck. The churches are Afton United Methodist Church in Ophelia and Fairfields United Methodist Church in Burgess. I would, of course, give you credit for the artwork.
Thank you.
Margaret Radcliffe
Administrative Assistant
The Northumberland Charge
Afton United Methodist Church
Fairfields United Methodist Church
Dear Margaret,
Please feel free to use my photo with scripture as covers for your church bulletins. Maybe it will direct members of the congregation to my website to see more of my uplifting and encouraging posts.I thank you for your support!