Enjoy the blessings of a new year, in Christ, one day at a time! ~ Debbie Carroccio
Flower: Hibiscus
by Hannah Mayes | Jan 6, 2012 | Debbie Carroccio, Spiritual | 2 comments
Enjoy the blessings of a new year, in Christ, one day at a time! ~ Debbie Carroccio
Flower: Hibiscus
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No God No Peace Know God Know Peace He is so amazing. The blessing he has bestowed upon me Easter 2012 the greatest gift was the gift of life you see I was a smoker, and now I am a nonsmoker he provided this. God gave me the strength to make it through not only this, but in 2011 my life partner, my best friend he suffered a major brain aneurism,2strokes,and hydrochepluis, and now he has a shunt in his head to drain the fluid that his brain produces. Back in March they located another brain aneurism not as bad, he didn’t suffer all the things he endure the last time. In fact he was blessed God made sure he was with him. You see this is how I know that he truly is amazing, and how through him all things are possible.
Thank you for allowing me to share this part of my life with you. He has also given me a wonderful chance to change my life I just finished up two clusters of at SCCC in child development. So I am a firm believer. Faith of a tiny mustard seed can move mountain’s.